Employers / News and insights

Combatting modern slavery in our recruitment practices

by Jennifer Teese

Combatting modern slavery in our recruitment practices

Modern slavery continues to be a major issue impacting millions of people around the world. And it’s closer than you think – the latest Home Office figures suggest that there are over 12,000 potential victims of modern slavery in the UK alone. As a recruiter operating within many of the sectors believed to be most affected by slavery and human trafficking, we recognise our responsibility to raise awareness of modern slavery whilst tackling the problem of hidden labour exploitation. With Anti-Slavery Day coming up on 28th October, we wanted to share some of the key actions we’ve got in place to protect our workers and maintain the highest ethical standards in everything we do.


Anti-Slavery Day: why it matters

Anti-Slavery Day, established in 2010, is a crucial reminder for everyone - from government bodies and local authorities, to companies, charities, and individuals - to step up and combat modern slavery. It’s a great opportunity to reinforce our commitment to ethical practices across all areas of recruitment. It’s also a chance to reflect on our clear frameworks aimed at preventing exploitation and forced labour, and to consider how we can keep improving and leading by example across our industry.


What’s our approach to a safe supply chain?

Keeping our supply chain safe and ethical is a top priority. Given the complexity of our client networks, we’ve implemented stringent measures that aim to keep every stage of the supply chain free from exploitation. Our approach is designed to prioritise the safety and welfare of our workers at every step of their journey with us.


Stronger Together: One of the many external relationships we uphold with officiating bodies and associations is with Stronger Together, a multi-stakeholder initiative focused on creating a world where all workers are recruited responsibly and have fair work, free from exploitation. As an Advanced Business Partner, we’ve demonstrated our dedication to tackling modern slavery head-on, not just in theory but in practice. We’re constantly assessing risks, taking proactive steps to prevent exploitation and ensuring we have robust systems in place to protect and support any potential victims. Through this partnership we’ve gained access to some fantastic resources, including multi-language leaflets for workers and informative posters in our operational locations, keeping these important messages front and centre. We also follow best practice guidelines across all aspects of our operations, reinforcing our dedication to a fair, safe, and respectful work environment.


Internal employee training: Our team is our first line of defence against labour exploitation, which is why we’ve developed a robust induction training program, combining in-branch sessions, e-learning modules, and specialised classroom training. One of our standout initiatives is a bespoke investigative interviewing skills training package, led by former GLAA investigators, to help staff spot potential signs of exploitation during the recruitment process. But we don’t stop there - we go beyond initial training by keeping our team’s knowledge current. All employees complete an interactive e-learning module on spotting modern slavery, refreshed annually. By investing in ongoing education, we build a culture where everyone actively prevents labour exploitation and protects vulnerable workers.

Candidate registration due-diligence: Our Recruiter Compliance Principles are more than guidelines - they're a pledge that every recruiter within our business makes to uphold the highest standards of integrity and respect for our workers. We always verify:

·        Right to work and establish the statutory excuse.

·        That the person presenting is the person in the identity documents.

·        That they have full control of their own documents.

·        How they found out about the job.

·        That applicants haven't paid anyone, and won't have to pay anyone, to obtain the job.

  • For those newly arrived in the UK, that they haven't paid anyone to get here.

By signing these principles, our recruiters aren't just agreeing to a set of rules – they're joining us in our mission to create a fair, safe, and ethical working environment for everyone.


Worker welfare due-diligence: We’ve established a robust system of welfare checks and data analysis to safeguard our workforce and identify any signs of exploitation, including:

·        New starter and leaver surveys: Weekly surveys for new starters and leavers go beyond basic feedback – we delve into areas like health and safety, potential modern slavery indicators, and overall treatment, allowing us to address issues swiftly and improve our processes.

·        Quarterly welfare analysis: Our operational teams don't just wait for feedback – they're proactively looking out for our workers. We’re always keeping an eye out for potential red flags, such as suspicious transportation arrangements or workers who appear isolated or in distress. Any concerns are swiftly escalated and thoroughly investigated.

·        Common details checks: Our compliance team perform database scans for shared bank accounts, email addresses, phone numbers, or living arrangements, and are skilled in spotting the difference between normal and potentially exploitative situations.


Supplier due-diligence: We don’t leave anything to chance with our suppliers. Before joining our Preferred Supplier List (PSL), they undergo a thorough vetting process, covering everything from financials and compliance with labour laws, to GLAA licensing (where applicable) and right-to-work checks. Once they’re on board, we conduct annual audits and reserve the right to perform spot checks. It's all part of our commitment to maintaining a supply chain that's not just efficient, but ethical through and through. And if a supplier falls short? We're not afraid to take swift action – and that includes terminating relationships if we find any serious issues.


So, there you have it - a peek behind the curtain at how we're working tirelessly to maintain an ethical, transparent supply chain. We follow through on our promises – are you confident your current agency provider is doing the same? Because this Anti-Slavery Day is a timely reminder that in today's world, ethical practices aren't just nice to have - they're essential.


If you're curious about how your supply chain measures up, or if you're looking to partner with an agency that takes ethics as seriously as you do, let's have a conversation about how we can work together - to ensure your supply chain is not just efficient, but ethically sound from end to end. After all, when it comes to fighting modern slavery and upholding workers' rights, we're all in this together. Get in touch today and let's build a better, more ethical future for everyone in our industry.